Facing state legislation, a client found RAP Index had identified a couple of members who had a strong relationship with the leader of the House. They were able to make direct phone calls that then changed the direction of legislation. Even though prior to that they had a call-to-action that generated thousands of generic phone calls to members of the House, those few phone calls – those targeted phone calls – made much more of an impact than the thousands of phone calls that had been generated from their call-to-action program.
A client found out that two members of Congress had legislative holds on the vote of their top advocacy priority. After years of work, their legislation was at risk of being pulled. The client turned to their RAP Index database, quickly identified connections to those two Congressional offices, and let them know how important this legislation was. The holds on the bill were released allowing it to go forward with a vote. Prior to RAP Index, the client had no idea those relationships existed.
With less than 48 hours’ notice, a client had to get a very specific line item in a bill for a $2 million funding measure. Immediately turning to their RAP Index data, they found a stakeholder with a direct Congressional connection that was willing and able to take action. The line item was included, and the measure passed, providing critical funding for their industry.

A client was asked to have one of their members attend a press call with a department Secretary. Using RAP Index, they determined which member had the right story and qualifications the department was looking for. This person also had connections to the administration and leadership in Congress. In a few hours, they identified the stakeholder, coordinated with their state affiliate, connected the member with the department, and prep for the call. What normally would take weeks of planning was accomplished in a few hours.